Custom "human" shape for tikz

Well since you are using TikZ environment anyhow, then loading marvosym becomes redundant (though nothing wrong with that by the way)

\node[circle,fill,minimum size=5mm] (head) {};
\node[rounded corners=2pt,minimum height=1.3cm,minimum width=0.4cm,fill,below = 1pt of head] (body) {};
\draw[line width=1mm,round cap-round cap] ([shift={(2pt,-1pt)}]body.north east) --++(-90:6mm);
\draw[line width=1mm,round cap-round cap] ([shift={(-2pt,-1pt)}]body.north west)--++(-90:6mm);
\draw[thick,white,-round cap] (body.south) --++(90:5.5mm);

enter image description here

then a little digression

\begin{tikzpicture}[manstyle/.style={line width=4pt,line cap=round,line join=round}]
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=2.5pt,outer sep=1pt] (head) at (-0.2mm,7.1mm) {}; 
\node[above left,anchor=pointer,scale=0.4,cloud callout, cloud puffs=10, aspect=2, cloud puff arc=120,
fill,text=white,callout relative pointer={(-4mm,-4mm)}] at (2mm,8mm){$\displaystyle\int_\pi l(d,t)\mathrm{d}t$};
\draw[manstyle] (0,0.5) -- ++(0,-1.2cm);
\draw[manstyle] (-1.5pt,-1pt) -- ++(0,0.535cm) (1.2pt,1pt) --(0,5mm)--++(-80:5mm) coordinate (g);
\draw[-latex] (g) -| (-25:8mm);
\draw[|-|,ultra thin] ([shift={(1mm,2mm)}]g) --++ (5.15mm,0) node [midway,above,scale=0.5] {$l$};
\node[fill,minimum height=7mm,rounded corners=2pt,outer xsep=1pt,outer ysep=0] (syphon) at (1.1cm,-0.45cm) {};
\fill[rounded corners=1pt] (syphon.south west) |-++(140:7mm) coordinate (d) arc (180:230:4mm) |- (syphon.south west) --cycle;
\draw[|-|,ultra thin] (d)++(-0.1mm,0) --++ (-3.1mm,0) node[midway,above,scale=0.5] {$d$};
\node[font=\scshape, align=center] (motto) at (5mm,-1.5cm) {Gents \\ Do It With \\ Precision};

enter image description here

Do you really need tikz?

The marvosym package provides the commands \Gentsroom and Ladiesroom :

enter image description here

A good place to look for such common-use symbols is the comprehensive LaTeX symbol list.

Here is a basic version as per your description, and added an option to control the smiley:

enter image description here


  • Something between \frownie and \smiley



    % #1 = draw options
    % #2 = smile factor
    % #3 = location
    \begin{scope}[shift={(#3)}, scale=0.4]
        \draw [thick, fill=brown!10, #1] (0,0) circle (\SmileyRadius);% outside circle
        \draw [fill=cyan,draw=none] (\eyeX,\eyeY) circle (0.15cm);
        \draw [fill=cyan,draw=none] (-\eyeX,\eyeY) circle (0.15cm);
        \draw[color=brown, thick, domain=-\eyeX:\eyeX]   
            plot ({\x},{
                -0.1+#2*0.15 % shift the smiley as smile decreases

    % #1 = draw options
    % #2 = smile factor
    % #3 = location
        %\draw [thick, fill=brown!25, #1] (0,0) circle (0.30cm);% Use this for no-smiley version
        \Simley[#1]{#2}{0,0.1}% Comment this out if you don't want smiley
        \draw [thick, fill=brown!10, #1] 
            (-0.4, -0.40) -- (0.4, -0.40) -- (0,-2.5) -- cycle;

    \Symbol[draw=black, fill=red!25, ultra thick]{0.25}{1,0}
    \Symbol[draw=blue, fill=green!20, ultra thick]{-1}{2,0}