Custom "navigate up" behavior for certain fragment using Navigation component

I found a solution

handleOnBackPressed() method invokes only on device's back button click. I wonder, why neither onOptionsItemSelected() nor onSupportNavigateUp() methods haven't been called on pressing "up button" in toolbar. And the answer is I used

NavigationUI.setupWithNavController(toolbar, navController, appBarConfiguration)

in activity to setup toolbar with navigation component. And that made toolbar responsive for work with navigation internally, pressing "up button" haven't invoked any of overridden methods in activity or fragments.

Instead should be used

NavigationUI.setupActionBarWithNavController(this, navController, appBarConfiguration)

That will make actionBar responsive for navigation, thus I can use overridden functions onOptionsItemSelected() and onSupportNavigateUp() And best place (in my case) to add custom behavior on "up button" click for certain screen is


of hosted activity, like that

override fun onSupportNavigateUp(): Boolean {
        val navController = this.findNavController(
        return when(navController.currentDestination?.id) {
   -> {
                // custom behavior here 
            else -> navController.navigateUp()

But worth to say, that if you want implement custom behavior directly in fragment, answer of @Enzokie should work like a charm

You need to call onBackPressed() from onBackPressedDispatcher property. Assuming your Toolbar is properly setup you can use the code below in your Activity.

override fun onOptionsItemSelected(menuItem : MenuItem?) : Boolean {
    if (menuItem.getItemId() == {
        return true // must return true to consume it here

    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(menuItem)

on Fragment override

override fun onAttach(context: Context) {

        //enable menu

                   //true means that the callback is enabled
                    this.isEnabled = true
                    exitDialog() //dialog to conform exit

What this does is :

Trigger a call to the currently added OnBackPressedCallback callbacks in reverse order in which they were added. Only if the most false from its OnBackPressedCallback#handleOnBackPressed() will any previously added callback be called.

I am using AndroidX in my example therefore my import will look like
