Custom representation of Streamfield in rest API
As of Wagtail 1.9, you can modify the API representation of the Block in the StreamField by overriding the get_api_representation()
method on the Block.
For your example we can override the method on the ImageChooserBlock itself:
import wagtail
from rest_framework import serializers
class ImageSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = wagtail.images.get_image_model()
fields = ['title', 'file', 'width', 'height', 'file_size']
class APIImageChooserBlock(ImageChooserBlock):
def get_api_representation(self, value, context=None):
return ImageSerializer(context=context).to_representation(value)
class MySnippetForAPI(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=80)
content = StreamField([
('heading', blocks.CharBlock()),
('paragraph', blocks.RichTextBlock()),
('image', APIImageChooserBlock())
Code updated for Wagtail 2.0+
Adding onto the very helpful answer by probabble, you can also use get_rendition inside a StreamField block by adding a SerializerMethodField
# Explicitly importing since models are not loaded when serializers initialized
from wagtail.wagtailimages.models import Image as WagtailImage
class WagtailImageSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
url = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = WagtailImage
fields = ['title', 'url']
def get_url(self, obj):
return obj.get_rendition('fill-300x186|jpegquality-60').url
from .serializers import WagtailImageSerializer
class APIImageChooserBlock(ImageChooserBlock):
def get_api_representation(self, value, context=None):
return WagtailImageSerializer(context=context).to_representation(value)
In this example, we only return the title and url of the image.