Customize equation numbering for Equation environment?

You can use \tag:

    \log \mu_{ijk}= \lambda + \lambda_i ^I + \lambda_j ^J+\lambda_k ^K+\lambda_{ij} ^{IJ}+\lambda_{ik} ^{IK}+\lambda_{jk} ^{JK}+\lambda_{ijk} ^{IJK} \tag{3.1}\label{eq:3.1}

Capture of expected output

I guess you are looking for a way to number your equations "within" sections, that is, add the section number before the equation number.

This can be done automatically if you add the line


in your preamble, without any manual intervention.




Some text

\section{Another Test}
Some text

\section{An equation}
\log \mu_{ijk}= \lambda + \lambda_i ^I + \lambda_j ^J+\lambda_k ^K+\lambda_{ij} ^{IJ}+\lambda_{ik} ^{IK}+\lambda_{jk} ^{JK}+\lambda_{ijk} ^{IJK} \label{eq:3.1}



enter image description here

Personally, I wanted to have "Eq." in front of the equation numbering. I thought you had the same question but then with "equation" instead of "Eq.". Also, I wanted to have the section numbering in front of the equation, so that the equations are numbered as (Eq. 3.1) instead of (1).

I started from How to change equation numbering style.

\usepackage{amsmath} % \numberwithin{equation} doesn't exist without this package.
\numberwithin{equation}{section} % This line resets equation numbering when starting a new section.
\renewcommand{\theequation}{Eq. \thesection.\arabic{equation}} % This line ads "Eq." in front of your equation numbering.
\section{Some section or chapter without content...}

example of what it should look like

Unfortunately, the order of lines is crucial, because it is possible to override "\renewcommand{\theequation}{Eq. \thesection.\arabic{equation}}" with "\numberwithin{equation}{section}", and you only get (1.1).

Note that if "\numberwithin{equation}{section}" is left out, equation numbering continues after opening a new section, so it numbers like (Eq. 1.1), (Eq. 1.2), (Eq. 3.3), (Eq. 3.4), which is strange.

PS, I don't know why you would like to force a tag to become "equation 3.1", I thought the automatic numbering was a good thing.