Cygwin error: "child_info_fork::abort: Loaded to different address:"

The thread is obsolete.

run /usr/bin/rebase-trigger, close all cygwin processes and run again setup-x86.exe. Also without installing anything will execute a rebase for you.

You can also specify the option full.

Additional note: The most likely cause of fork problems on 32 bit system are too many programs and libraries installed.

for example: /usr/x86_64-pc-cygwin/sys-root/usr/bin/cygz.dll

belongs to cygwin64-zlib a cross library for building cygwin64 programs from cygwin32. Do you really need it ? If not, as I suspect, remove all cywgin64 packages .

The problem can also be triggered by an anti-virus program. (I saw it happening with Avast.) You can test if this is the cause by disabling it.

Could also be caused by this update