Cypress click element by ID / XPATH / Name?

In Cypress, it works like this:


Notice that I just used button as an example here, you should replace that with the label of your element: div, select, textarea, etc...

I think, it is possible by adding a plug-in as suggested in Cypress website, please refer the following link If you refer the custom command section you could see cypress-xpath which takes you to following github link

npm install -D cypress-xpath

Then include in your project's cypress/support/index.js


Sample usage given below:

it('finds list items', () => {
    .should('have.length', 3)

Please try after installing the plug-in and updating the support/index.js file.

There are 2 things to be done if trying to use xpath in cypress:-

  1. In the file 'index.js' which sits under the folder 'YourProject'->'cypress'->'support', add the entry "require('cypress-xpath')"
  2. In the file 'Dockerfile.cypress' which sits under the folder 'YourProject'->'configuration'->'docker', add the entry "RUN npm install cypress-xpath"

That's all you need to use all the xpath functions to uniquely identify all elements in your cypress tests. I personally prefer using xpath since this gives me more control on the UI elements. Hope this will make life more easier in using cypress.