Daemonizing python's BaseHTTPServer
After a bit of googling I finally stumbled over this BaseHTTPServer documentation and after that I ended up with:
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
"""Handle requests in a separate thread."""
server = ThreadedHTTPServer((config['HTTPServer']['listen'],config['HTTPServer']['port']), HTTPHandler)
Which for the most part comes after I fork and ended up resolving my problem.
Here's how to do this with the python-daemon library:
from BaseHTTPServer import (HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler)
import contextlib
import daemon
from my_app_config import config
# Make the HTTP Server instance.
server = HTTPServer(
(config['HTTPServer']['listen'], config['HTTPServer']['port']),
# Make the context manager for becoming a daemon process.
daemon_context = daemon.DaemonContext()
daemon_context.files_preserve = [server.fileno()]
# Become a daemon process.
with daemon_context:
As usual for a daemon, you need to decide how you will interact with the program after it becomes a daemon. For example, you might register a systemd service, or write a PID file, etc. That's all outside the scope of the question though.
In particular, it's outside the scope of the question to ask: once it's become a daemon process (necessarily detached from any controlling terminal), how do I stop the daemon process? That's up to you to decide, as part of defining the program's behaviour.
You start by instantiating a HTTPServer. But you don't actually tell it to start serving in any of the supplied code. In your child process try calling server.serve_forever()
See this for reference