Dagger2: Unable to inject dependencies in WorkManager

2020/06 Update

Things become much easier with Hilt and Hilt for Jetpack.

With Hilt, all you have to do is

  1. add annotation @HiltAndroidApp to your Application class
  2. inject out-of-box HiltWorkerFactory in the field fo Application class
  3. Implement interface Configuration.Provider and return the injected work factory in Step 2.

Now, change the annotation on the constructor of Worker from @Inject to @WorkerInject

class ExampleWorker @WorkerInject constructor(
    @Assisted appContext: Context,
    @Assisted workerParams: WorkerParameters,
    someDependency: SomeDependency // your own dependency
) : Worker(appContext, workerParams) { ... }

That's it!

(also, don't forget to disable default work manager initialization)


Old solution

As of version 1.0.0-beta01, here is an implementation of Dagger injection with WorkerFactory.

The concept is from this article: https://medium.com/@nlg.tuan.kiet/bb9f474bde37 and I just post my own implementation of it step by step(in Kotlin).


What's this implementation trying to achieve is:

Every time you want to add a dependency to a worker, you put the dependency in the related worker class


1. Add an interface for all worker's factory


interface IWorkerFactory<T : ListenableWorker> {
    fun create(params: WorkerParameters): T

2. Add a simple Worker class with a Factory which implements IWorkerFactory and also with the dependency for this worker


class HelloWorker(
    context: Context,
    params: WorkerParameters,
    private val apiService: ApiService // our dependency
): Worker(context, params) {
    override fun doWork(): Result {
        Log.d("HelloWorker", "doWork - fetchSomething")
        return apiService.fetchSomething() // using Retrofit + RxJava
            .map { Result.success() }

    class Factory @Inject constructor(
        private val context: Provider<Context>, // provide from AppModule
        private val apiService: Provider<ApiService> // provide from NetworkModule
    ) : IWorkerFactory<HelloWorker> {
        override fun create(params: WorkerParameters): HelloWorker {
            return HelloWorker(context.get(), params, apiService.get())

3. Add a WorkerKey for Dagger's multi-binding


annotation class WorkerKey(val value: KClass<out ListenableWorker>)

4. Add a Dagger module for multi-binding worker (actually multi-binds the factory)


interface WorkerModule {
    fun bindHelloWorker(factory: HelloWorker.Factory): IWorkerFactory<out ListenableWorker>
    // every time you add a worker, add a binding here

5. Put the WorkerModule into AppComponent. Here I use dagger-android to construct the component class


@Component(modules = [
    NetworkModule::class, // provides ApiService
    AppModule::class, // provides context of application
    WorkerModule::class // <- add WorkerModule here
interface AppComponent: AndroidInjector<App> {
    abstract class Builder: AndroidInjector.Builder<App>()

6. Add a custom WorkerFactory to leverage the ability of creating worker since the release version of 1.0.0-alpha09


class DaggerAwareWorkerFactory @Inject constructor(
    private val workerFactoryMap: Map<Class<out ListenableWorker>, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider<IWorkerFactory<out ListenableWorker>>>
) : WorkerFactory() {
    override fun createWorker(
        appContext: Context,
        workerClassName: String,
        workerParameters: WorkerParameters
    ): ListenableWorker? {
        val entry = workerFactoryMap.entries.find { Class.forName(workerClassName).isAssignableFrom(it.key) }
        val factory = entry?.value
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("could not find worker: $workerClassName")
        return factory.get().create(workerParameters)

7. In Application class, replace WorkerFactory with our custom one:


class App: DaggerApplication() {
    override fun onCreate() {

    override fun applicationInjector(): AndroidInjector<out DaggerApplication> {
        return DaggerAppComponent.builder().create(this)

    @Inject lateinit var daggerAwareWorkerFactory: DaggerAwareWorkerFactory

    private fun configureWorkManager() {
        val config = Configuration.Builder()
        WorkManager.initialize(this, config)

8. Don't forget to disable default work manager initialization


    tools:replace="android:authorities" />

That's it.

Every time you want to add a dependency to a worker, you put the dependency in the related worker class (like HelloWorker here).

Every time you want to add a worker, implement the factory in the worker class and add the worker's factory to WorkerModule for multi-binding.

For more detail, like using AssistedInject to reduce boilerplate codes, please refer to the article I mentioned at beginning.

I use Dagger2 Multibindings to solve this problem.

The similar approach is used to inject ViewModel objects (it's described well here). Important difference from view model case is the presence of Context and WorkerParameters arguments in Worker constructor. To provide these arguments to worker constructor intermediate dagger component should be used.

  1. Annotate your Worker's constructor with @Inject and provide your desired dependency as constructor argument.

    class HardWorker @Inject constructor(context: Context,
                                         workerParams: WorkerParameters,
                                         private val someDependency: SomeDependency)
        : Worker(context, workerParams) {
        override fun doWork(): Result {
            // do some work with use of someDependency
            return Result.SUCCESS
  2. Create custom annotation that specifies the key for worker multibound map entry.

    @Target(AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER)
    annotation class WorkerKey(val value: KClass<out Worker>)
  3. Define worker binding.

    interface HardWorkerModule {
        fun bindHardWorker(worker: HardWorker): Worker
  4. Define intermediate component along with its builder. The component must have the method to get workers map from dependency graph and contain worker binding module among its modules. Also the component must be declared as a subcomponent of its parent component and parent component must have the method to get the child component's builder.

    typealias WorkerMap = MutableMap<Class<out Worker>, Provider<Worker>>
    @Subcomponent(modules = [HardWorkerModule::class])
    interface WorkerFactoryComponent {
        fun workers(): WorkerMap
        interface Builder {
            fun setParameters(params: WorkerParameters): Builder
            fun setContext(context: Context): Builder
            fun build(): WorkerFactoryComponent
    // parent component
    @Component(modules = [
                //, ...
    interface ParentComponent {
        // ...
        fun workerFactoryComponent(): WorkerFactoryComponent.Builder
  5. Implement WorkerFactory. It will create the intermediate component, get workers map, find the corresponding worker provider and construct the requested worker.

    class DIWorkerFactory(private val parentComponent: ParentComponent) : WorkerFactory() {
        private fun createWorker(workerClassName: String, workers: WorkerMap): ListenableWorker? = try {
            val workerClass = Class.forName(workerClassName).asSubclass(Worker::class.java)
            var provider = workers[workerClass]
            if (provider == null) {
                for ((key, value) in workers) {
                    if (workerClass.isAssignableFrom(key)) {
                        provider = value
            if (provider == null)
                throw IllegalArgumentException("no provider found")
        } catch (th: Throwable) {
            // log
        override fun createWorker(appContext: Context,
                                  workerClassName: String,
                                  workerParameters: WorkerParameters) = parentComponent
                .let { createWorker(workerClassName, it) }
  6. Initialize a WorkManager manually with custom worker factory (it must be done only once per process). Don't forget to disable auto initialization in manifest.


        tools:node="remove" />

Application onCreate:

    val configuration = Configuration.Builder()
    WorkManager.initialize(context, configuration)
  1. Use worker

    val request = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(workerClass).build(HardWorker::class.java)

Watch this talk for more information on WorkManager features.


You need to look at WorkerFactory, available from 1.0.0-alpha09 onwards.

Previous workarounds relied on being able to create a Worker using the default 0-arg constructor, but as of 1.0.0-alpha10 that is no longer an option.


Let's say that you have a Worker subclass called DataClearingWorker, and that this class needs a Foo from your Dagger graph.

class DataClearingWorker(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, workerParams) {

    lateinit var foo: Foo

    override fun doWork(): Result {
        return Result.SUCCESS

Now, you can't just instantiate one of those DataClearingWorker instances directly. So you need to define a WorkerFactory subclass that can create one of them for you; and not just create one, but also set your Foo field too.

class DaggerWorkerFactory(private val foo: Foo) : WorkerFactory() {

    override fun createWorker(appContext: Context, workerClassName: String, workerParameters: WorkerParameters): ListenableWorker? {

        val workerKlass = Class.forName(workerClassName).asSubclass(Worker::class.java)
        val constructor = workerKlass.getDeclaredConstructor(Context::class.java, WorkerParameters::class.java)
        val instance = constructor.newInstance(appContext, workerParameters)

        when (instance) {
            is DataClearingWorker -> {
                instance.foo = foo
            // optionally, handle other workers               

        return instance

Finally, you need to create a DaggerWorkerFactory which has access to the Foo. You can do this in the normal Dagger way.

fun workerFactory(foo: Foo): WorkerFactory {
    return DaggerWorkerFactory(foo)

Disabling Default WorkManager Initialization

You'll also need to disable the default WorkManager initialization (which happens automatically) and initialize it manually.

How you do this depends on the version of androidx.work that you're using:

2.6.0 and onwards:

In AndroidManifest.xml, add:

        tools:node="remove" />

Pre 2.6.0:

In AndroidManifest.xml, add:

        tools:replace="android:authorities" />

Be sure to replace YOUR_APP_PACKAGE with your actual app's package. The <provider block above goes inside your <application tag.. so it's a sibling of your Activities, Services etc...

In your Application subclass, (or somewhere else if you prefer), you can manually initialize WorkManager.

lateinit var workerFactory: WorkerFactory

private fun configureWorkManager() {
    val config = Configuration.Builder()

    WorkManager.initialize(this, config)