Dart / Flutter - Validating a string for URL

var urlPattern = r"(https?|http)://([-A-Z0-9.]+)(/[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|!:,.;]*)?(\?[A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|!:‌​,.;]*)?";
var match = new RegExp(urlPattern, caseSensitive: false).firstMatch('https://www.google.com');

You can use RegExp too.

To check Valid URL string you just have to use Uri.parse() like below.

bool _validURL = Uri.parse(_adVertData.webLink).isAbsolute;

Just check value of _validURL

Uri.tryParse(mystring)?.hasAbsolutePath ?? false;

Some example results:

url result
'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52975739/dart-flutter-validating-a-string-for-url' true
asd false
asd:asd false
google.nl false
https: false
https:// false
https://a false
https://a/ true