take pictures in flutter form page code example

Example 1: how to make event take camera in flutter

void onNewCameraSelected(CameraDescription cameraDescription) async {
if (controller != null) {
  await controller.dispose();
controller = CameraController(
  enableAudio: enableAudio,

// If the controller is updated then update the UI.
controller.addListener(() {
  if (mounted) setState(() {});
  if (controller.value.hasError) {
    showInSnackBar('Camera error ${controller.value.errorDescription}');

try {
  await controller.initialize();
} on CameraException catch (e) {

if (mounted) {
  setState(() {});

Example 2: how to make event take camera in flutter

Widget _cameraTogglesRowWidget() {
final List<Widget> toggles = <Widget>[];

if (cameras.isEmpty) {
  return const Text('No camera found');
} else {
  for (CameraDescription cameraDescription in cameras) {
        width: 90.0,
        child: RadioListTile<CameraDescription>(
          title: Icon(getCameraLensIcon(cameraDescription.lensDirection)),
          groupValue: controller?.description,
          value: cameraDescription,
          onChanged: controller != null && controller.value.isRecordingVideo
              ? null
              : onNewCameraSelected,


Dart Example