Data-Binding fails with "couldn't make a guess"

Its because of you class name or package name which use databinding. These class( which use databinding) have to start with capital word and packages start with lowercase.

Had a similar problem. Solved by renaming the data class by starting with capital letters.

these settings in the do enable the androidx data-binding compiler:

android.databinding.enableV2 = false
android.enableExperimentalFeatureDatabinding = true

one can see that by the fetched package:


and it complains:

WARNING: The option setting 'android.databinding.enableV2=false' is experimental and unsupported.
The current default is 'true'

WARNING: The option setting 'android.enableExperimentalFeatureDatabinding=true' is experimental and unsupported.
The current default is 'false'

most likely instead of would be required, in order to data-bind a Fragment with the default v2 data-binding compiler. this is also just a temporary solution - but still better than to revert to the v1 data-binding compiler.


Since the above workaround does not work anymore; One has to refactor the XML files. It works best when not adding any class="" attribute into the <data /> tag - and also adding this tag into any existing <layout> tag. Duplicate id on data-bound <include> tags may also prevent the generation (the id has to be set on the <include> tag, not in the included layout).