data type mismatch error when using ORDER BY

It looks like you got just a little mixed up. According to the SQLiteDatabase.query documentation, the last argument is the LIMIT clause. The second to last is the ORDER BY clause.

Cursor query (boolean distinct, 
            String table, 
            String[] columns, 
            String selection, 
            String[] selectionArgs, 
            String groupBy, 
            String having, 
            String orderBy, // <-- ORDER BY
            String limit)


But, there is also another SQLiteDatabase.query where ORDER BY would be last

Cursor query (String table, 
            String[] columns, 
            String selection, 
            String[] selectionArgs, 
            String groupBy, 
            String having, 
            String orderBy)

KEY_PID + " = " + "'" + id + "'"

This worked for me

String filter = MySQLiteHelper.JOB_ID + "=" + Integer.toString(jobID);
String orderBy =  MySQLiteHelper.LOG_TIME + " DESC";
Cursor cursor = database.query(MySQLiteHelper.LOG_TABLE_NAME, logTableColumns,
        filter, null, null, null, orderBy);

Since Orderby is the second last parameter in the query; your query would be like this

mDb.query(true, PT_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_PID, KEY_TID}, 
    KEY_PID+" = "+id, null, null, null, KEY_PID+" DESC", null);


