database crud operations sql code example
Example 1: sql crud
-- (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate (D)elete
INSERT INTO my_table (my_col) VALUES ('Hello'); -- (C)reate
SELECT my_col FROM my_table WHERE my_id = 33; -- (R)ead
UPDATE my_table SET my_col = 'Holla' WHERE my_id= 33; -- (U)pdate
DELETE FROM my_table WHERE my_id = 33; -- (D)elete
Example 2: crud sql
CRUD is an acronym that stands for CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE.
These are the four most basic operations that can be performed with most traditional database systems and they are the backbone for interacting with any database.
Example 3: crud operations
Create, Read, Update and Delete are the main operations of CRUD.