Dataframe cell to be locked and used for a running balance calculation conditional of result on another cell on same row

Next starting value depends on the last value of previous group, so I think it can't be vectorized. It requires some kind of iterative process. I came up with solution doing iteratively on groups of groupby. Reverse df and assign to df1. Working on each group of df1 and assign the final list of groups to the original df

df1 = df[::-1]
s = df1.B.isin(['BCLOSE','SCLOSE']).shift(fill_value=False).cumsum()
grps = df1.groupby(s)
init_val= 100
l = []
for _, grp in grps:
    s = grp.C * 0.01 * init_val
    s.iloc[0] = init_val
    s = s.cumsum()
    init_val = s.iloc[-1]

df['D'] = pd.concat(l)

             A       B     C      D
0    1/05/2019     SIT   0.0  158.6
1    2/05/2019  SCLOSE   1.0  158.6
2    3/05/2019   SHODL  10.0  157.3
3    4/05/2019   SHODL   5.0  144.3
4    5/05/2019   SHODL   6.0  137.8
5    6/05/2019   SHODL  -6.0  130.0
6    7/05/2019   SHODL   6.0  137.8
7    8/05/2019    SELL   0.0  130.0
8    9/05/2019     SIT   0.0  130.0
9   10/05/2019     SIT   0.0  130.0
10  11/05/2019  BCLOSE  -8.0  130.0
11  12/05/2019   BHODL  33.0  138.0
12  13/05/2019   BHODL -15.0  105.0
13  14/05/2019   BHODL   6.0  120.0
14  15/05/2019   BHODL  -1.0  114.0
15  16/05/2019   BHODL   5.0  115.0
16  17/05/2019   BHODL  10.0  110.0
17  18/05/2019     BUY   0.0  100.0
18  19/05/2019     SIT   0.0  100.0
19  20/05/2019     SIT   0.0  100.0