DataTables.js - Table not loading initial 100% full width on page load
for Bootstrap 4 Users
If you are using Bootstrap classes to the table, you might ran into this width issue. To fix this, use the datatable default option "autoWidth": false
Enable or disable automatic column width calculation. This can be disabled as an optimisation (it takes a finite amount of time to calculate the widths) if the tables widths are passed in using
$('#example').dataTable( {
"autoWidth": false
I believe I have resolved the issue. I was using an older build.
After upgrading to 10.1 and following the table width instruction below, I resolved my issue.
I added (width="100%") to my table tag and it now stays at 100%
So instead of
<table id="summary_table" class="display nowrap" style="width: 1000" border=1>
I replaced the style width: 1000
which just sets the absolute width to 1000 pixels (I forgot to add the px
unit suffix), to a percentage value of 100% `width='100%' and the resolving table tag would read.
<table id="summary_table" class="display nowrap" width="100%" border=1>
I used the answer from this question to form my response