Datatables + PHP: Server-Side Processing on Multiple Tables


Class ssp.class.php doesn't support joins and sub-queries, but there is a workaround. The trick is to use sub-query as shown below in $table definition. Replace table with your actual table name in the sub-query.

$table = <<<EOT
      a.father_id, AS father_name
    FROM table a
    LEFT JOIN table b ON a.father_id =
 ) temp

$primaryKey = 'id';

$columns = array(
   array( 'db' => 'id',          'dt' => 0 ),
   array( 'db' => 'name',        'dt' => 1 ),
   array( 'db' => 'father_id',   'dt' => 2 ),
   array( 'db' => 'father_name', 'dt' => 3 )

$sql_details = array(
   'user' => '',
   'pass' => '',
   'db'   => '',
   'host' => ''

require( 'ssp.class.php' );
echo json_encode(
   SSP::simple( $_GET, $sql_details, $table, $primaryKey, $columns )

You also need to edit ssp.class.php and replace all instances of FROM `$table` with FROM $table to remove backticks.

Make sure all column names are unique otherwise use AS to assign an alias.


There is also repository that contains enhanced ssp.class.php supporting JOINs.


See jQuery DataTables: Using WHERE, JOIN and GROUP BY with ssp.class.php for more information.

TL;DR: I ended up using a modification of the original Datatables ssp.class.php called ssp.php implemented by Emran Ul Hadi:

His modification accepts JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY and column aliases. Although the file hasn't been updated in over a year, it still works with DataTables 1.12.x. I made some modifications to his version that increases its robustness and improves the documentation with clearer examples.

Will post my mods/updates here when I have a bit more time. Eventually I hope to put in a pull-request to get my updates into his repository.

It looks like the scripts from DataTables are indeed not designed for your particular use case. But there is a method that allows for custom where clauses and from reading the source of ssp.class.php#complex I think that this configuration should work for your by using the WHERE method. The JOIN method will not work here.

Long story short: edit your server_processing.php to that:

// DB table to use
$table = 'tbl_houses, tbl_residents';

// First table's primary key
$primaryKey = '';

$columns = [
    [ 'db' => ''],
    [ 'db' => 'bl_houses.roomCount'],
    [ 'db' => 'tbl_residents.firstName'],
    [ 'db' => 'tbl_residents.lastName']


// connection details
$sql_details = [


$whereAll = 'tbl_houses.houseID = tbl_residents.residentID';

require( 'ssp.class.php' );

echo json_encode(
    SSP::complex( $_GET, $sql_details, $table, $primaryKey, $columns , null, $whereAll);

The complex method accepts your custom WHERE clause. But the tricky thing is the usage of 2 tables. This is what the script does not seem to be designed for. I took a look on how it is building the final sql query and it appears that you may just use this table_name.field_name notation in the config, as well as the table_name, table_name notation for the $table and $primaryKey variables.

As mentioned, the usage of 2 tables is not intended by the DataTables script. I don't know if all features of DataTables will work with that.