date pipe angular timezone code example

Example 1: javascript date pipe central timezone example

<!--output '2015-06-15 05:03 PM GMT+9'-->
    <p>The custom date is {{today | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm a z':'+0900'}</p>

Example 2: javascript date pipe central timezone example

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';import * as moment from 'moment-timezone';/*** A moment timezone pipe to support parsing based on time zone abbreviations* covers all cases of offset variation due to daylight saving.** Same API as DatePipe with additional timezone abbreviation support* Official date pipe dropped support for abbreviations names from Angular V5*/@Pipe({  name: 'momentDate'})export class MomentDatePipe extends DatePipe implements PipeTransform {transform(  value: string | Date,  format: string = 'mediumDate',   timezone: string = 'Europe/Prague'): string {  const timezoneOffset = moment(value).tz(timezone).format('Z');  return super.transform(value, format, timezoneOffset);  }}