Death By Shock Probe: That's a lot of dice

Pyth - 9 8 bytes

Uses obvious simple method of summation of randint. Took me minute to realize 1048576 was 2^20, now I feel really stupid. Thanks to @Jakube for saving me a byte by pointing out 2^20 = 4^10.


The runtime is horrible, it has yet to finish on my computer, so there is no point running it online so here is the 2^10 one: Try it online here.

s        Summation
 m       Map
  h      Incr (accounts for 0-indexed randint)
   O4    Randint 4
  ^4T    Four raised to ten

Perl - 48 44 37 39 34 bytes


Prints the sum without a trailing newline.
Saved 4 bytes by substituting for 2**20 (thanks Maltysen) and removing quotes around print.
Saved another 7 bytes by rearranging the code (thanks Thaylon!)
Lost 2 bytes because my old code generated 0-4 (it should be 1-4).
Once again, saved 5 bytes thanks to Caek and nutki.

Ungolfed, properly written code:

my $s = 0
$s += int( rand(4) + 1 ) for (1 .. 2**20);
print "$s";

R, 32 24 23 21 bytes

Edit: Got rid of the as.integer and used integer division %/%. Speed it up slightly.

Thanks to Alex A for the sample tip ... and Giuseppe for removing the r=


Tested with

i = s = 0
repeat {
i = i + 1
s = s + system.time(sum(sample(4,2^20,r=T)))[3]
if (i == 10) break
print (s/10)


[1] 2621936
[1] 2620047
[1] 2621004
[1] 2621783
[1] 2621149
[1] 2619777
[1] 2620428
[1] 2621840
[1] 2621458
[1] 2620680

For pure speed the following completes in microseconds. However I'm not sure I've got my logic correct for it. The results appear consistent with the random method. Shame it's a longer length.


Here's a timing run I did on my machine

system.time(for(i in 1:1000000)sum(rmultinom(1,2^20,rep(1,4))*1:4))
                   user                  system                 elapsed 
7.330000000000040927262 0.000000000000000000000 7.370000000000345607987