Debounce without initial delay

Hmmm, this is the easiest solution I can think of. The interesting part for you is the awesomeDebounce() function that creates the sub-chain.

It basically just combines throttle() and debounceTime() operators:

const Rx = require('rxjs');
const chai = require('chai');

let scheduler = new Rx.TestScheduler((actual, expected) => {
  chai.assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);

function awesomeDebounce(source, timeWindow = 1000, scheduler = Rx.Scheduler.async) {
  let shared = source.share();
  let notification = shared
      .switchMap(val => Rx.Observable.of(val).delay(timeWindow, scheduler))


  return shared
    .throttle(() => notification)
    .merge(shared.debounceTime(timeWindow, scheduler))

let sourceMarbles =   '---a----b-c-d-----e-f---';
let expectedMarbles = '---a----b------d--e----f';

// Create the test Observable
let observable = scheduler
  .let(source => awesomeDebounce(source, 30, scheduler));


The inner notification Observable is used only for the throttle() operator so I can reset its timer manually when I need. I also had to turn this Observable into "hot" to be independent on the internal subscriptions from throttle().