Decimal point or decimal comma in Android
Or why not
I did try this and it worked fine...
String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version");
String PhoneModel = android.os.Build.MODEL;
String locale = this.getResources().getConfiguration().locale.getDisplayCountry();
char decSeparator = '*';
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
decSeparator = dfs.getDecimalSeparator();
String androidVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
String prologue = String.format("OS verson = %s PhoneModel = %s locale = %s DecimalFormatSymbol = [%c] androidVersion = %s ",
osVersion ,PhoneModel, locale, decSeparator,androidVersion);
EDIT: Updating based on @Algar's suggestion; you can directly use:
char separatorChar = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance().getDecimalSeparator();
As it will always return an instance of DecimalFormatSymbols
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
if (nf instanceof DecimalFormat) {
DecimalFormatSymbols sym = ((DecimalFormat) nf).getDecimalFormatSymbols();
char decSeparator = sym.getDecimalSeparator();
, DecimalFormat
, DecimalFormatSymbols
According to the DecimalFormat docs, apparently calling NumberFormat.getInstance() is safe, but may return a subclass other than DecimalFormat (the other option I see is ChoiceFormat). I believe for the majority of instances it should be a DecimalFormat, and then you can compare decSeparator
against a ,
and .
to see which format it is using.
you can use:
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(device_locale);
than use currency.getSymbol()
for symbol. For default device locale you can use:
public static Locale getCurrentLocale(Context c) {
return c.getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0);
} else {
//noinspection deprecation
return c.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;