Declare empty array in javascript

In the succes of your ajax call use the function push()


This adds an array at the last index of product. Like that ,the index 10 is created and you have an extra data.

If you want to add a dynamic number of rows, use this code :

var number_of_new_row = 11; // 11 for example, you can use any number >= 0
for(; number_of_new_row--;)

Another way

In your ajax return save the new length of your array product in a global variable. And use it before your loop to reset your array and initialize it with the new length.

var lengthArray = 10; // update the value in the callback of your ajax call

And your loop :

var product = [];
for(; lengthArray--;)

$('#contextreload ul').each(function(i, ul) {
    //<strike> var product = $(ul).html();  </strike>
    allline = i; 

    $('#reloadajax'+i+' li').each(function(lk, li) {
        var lilk = $(li).html();  
        // your code goes here
    // your code goes here

Note: this line of your code produces a string, not an array.

var product = $(ul).html();  //returns string not an array

what you need is something like

var product_arr = {}; // an object or 
var product_arr = []; // an array

The following code used to declare empty array in javascript

var product_arr = new Array(); //declaring empty array
