Decoding URL encoded UTF-8 strings in VBScript

Pure vbs classic asp of URLDecode function, with utf-8 support.

Function RegExTest(str,patrn)
    Dim regEx
    Set regEx = New RegExp
    regEx.IgnoreCase = True
    regEx.Pattern = patrn
    RegExTest = regEx.Test(str)
End Function

Function URLDecode(sStr)
    Dim str,code,a0
    code=Replace(code,"+"," ")
    While len(code)>0
        If InStr(code,"%")>0 Then
            str = str & Mid(code,1,InStr(code,"%")-1)
            code = Mid(code,InStr(code,"%"))
            a0 = UCase(Mid(code,2,1))
            If a0="U" And RegExTest(code,"^%u[0-9A-F]{4}") Then
                str = str & ChrW((Int("&H" & Mid(code,3,4))))
                code = Mid(code,7)
            ElseIf a0="E" And RegExTest(code,"^(%[0-9A-F]{2}){3}") Then
                str = str & ChrW((Int("&H" & Mid(code,2,2)) And 15) * 4096 + (Int("&H" & Mid(code,5,2)) And 63) * 64 + (Int("&H" & Mid(code,8,2)) And 63))
                code = Mid(code,10)
            ElseIf a0>="C" And a0<="D" And RegExTest(code,"^(%[0-9A-F]{2}){2}") Then
                str = str & ChrW((Int("&H" & Mid(code,2,2)) And 3) * 64 + (Int("&H" & Mid(code,5,2)) And 63))
                code = Mid(code,7)
            ElseIf (a0<="B" Or a0="F") And RegExTest(code,"^%[0-9A-F]{2}") Then
                str = str & Chr(Int("&H" & Mid(code,2,2)))
                code = Mid(code,4)
                str = str & "%"
                code = Mid(code,2)
            End If
            str = str & code
            code = ""
        End If
    URLDecode = str
End Function

Response.Write URLDecode("Paris%20%E2%86%92%20Z%C3%BCrich") 'Paris → Zürich

I want to show three methods for three vary environments. All of these methods requires JScript's encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent functions.

1. In ASP, using server-side JavaScript is one of most appropriate solutions :

<script language="javascript" runat="server">
URL = {
    encode : function(s){return encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/'/g,"%27").replace(/"/g,"%22")},
    decode : function(s){return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g,  " "))}
Response.Write URL.decode("Paris%20%E2%86%92%20Z%C3%BCrich")
Response.Write URL.encode("Paris → Zürich")

2. 32-Bit only (due to MSScriptControl.ScriptControl is 32-bit only component) in any other WSH :

Dim JSEngine
Set JSEngine = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
    JSEngine.Language = "JScript"

Function UrlEncode(s)
    UrlEncode = JSEngine.CodeObject.encodeURIComponent(s)
    UrlEncode = Replace(UrlEncode, "'", "%27")
    UrlEncode = Replace(UrlEncode, """", "%22")
End Function

Function UrlDecode(s)
    UrlDecode = Replace(s, "+", " ")
    UrlDecode = JSEngine.CodeObject.decodeURIComponent(UrlDecode)
End Function

WScript.Echo UrlDecode("Paris%20%E2%86%92%20Z%C3%BCrich")
WScript.Echo UrlEncode("Paris → Zürich")

3. With 64-bit support in any other WSH using a WSC:

urlencdec.wsc (created by using WSC Wizard)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?component error="true" debug="true"?>
        description="Url Encode / Decode Helper"
        <method name="encode">
            <PARAMETER name="s"/>
        <method name="decode">
            <PARAMETER name="s"/>
    <script language="JScript">
        var description = new UrlEncodeDecodeHelper;

        function UrlEncodeDecodeHelper() {

            this.encode = encode;
            this.decode = decode;

        function encode(s) {
            return encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/'/g,"%27").replace(/"/g,"%22");

        function decode(s) {
            return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g,  " "));

and vbs code :

Dim JSEngine
Set JSEngine = GetObject("Script:C:\urlencdec.wsc")

WScript.Echo JSEngine.decode("Paris%20%E2%86%92%20Z%C3%BCrich")
WScript.Echo JSEngine.encode("Paris → Zürich")