Decrease font size by one point

The current font size is stored in the macro \f@size:

\RequirePackage{fix-cm} % or use a scalable font

  \fontsize{\dimexpr\f@size pt-1pt}{\f@baselineskip}\selectfont


\fontname\font\ \oneptsmaller{\fontname\font}

\fontname\font\ \oneptsmaller{\fontname\font}

\fontname\font\ \oneptsmaller{\fontname\font}


enter image description here

With a scalable font, say \usepackage{baskervald},

enter image description here

Note: \fontname\font is used just to show what font is currently used. In the case of ybvr8t there is no at clause because the font is at its natural size of 10pt.

You can also use the package relsize, which allows for what you need. Consider this MWE:

This is normal size font.


And this is one point smaller.

enter image description here