Default template for iPython notebook (using Jupyter)
I know it may not be what you're looking for (this example is not good for working on notebooks that need to be run in multiple environments, e.g. shared), but I put the following in a file called
in my .ipython
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = ['%matplotlib inline',
'import numpy as np',
'import scipy.constants as scc',
'import scipy.integrate as sci',
'from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D',
'import scipy.optimize as sco'
This runs before anything runs in any interactive console, including the jupyter notebook. If you want explicit boilerplating, I think that you will be disappointed (unless you want to build in the functionality for us ☺)
There is a pretty cool solution using jupyterlab: jupyterlab_templates
Installation took about 5 minutes and you can have as many
templates as you'd like.
Mac Users
Assuming you have conda installed than during the installation, you'll need to install node js engine:
conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
And create a if you don't have one :
jupyter notebook --generate-config