define dict in python 3 code example

Example 1: how to use dictionaries in python

student_data = {
  "course":['Bsc', 'Computer Science']

#the keys are the left hand side and the values are the right hand side
#to print data you do print(name_of_dictionary['key_name'])

print(student_data['name']) # will print 'inderpaal'
print(student_data['age']) # will print 21
#this will print 'Bsc' since that field is an array and array[0] is 'Bsc'

Example 2: dictionaries in python 3

clear() - Removes all the elements from the dictionary
copy() - Returns a copy of the dictionary
fromkeys() - Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value
get() - Returns the value of the specified key
items() - Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair
keys() - Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys
pop() - Removes the element with the specified key
popitem() - Removes the last inserted key-value pair
setdefault() - Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert the key, with the specified value
update() - Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs
values() - Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary

Example 3: how to use dictionaries in python 3

dict = {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
print ("dict['Name']: ", dict['Name'])
print ("dict['Age']: ", dict['Age'])

Example 4: dictionary in python

# Dictionaries in Python

ages = {"John": 43, "Bob": 24, "Ruth": 76} # Marked by { at beginning and a } at end

# ^^^ Has sets of keys and values, like the 'John' and 43 set. These two values must be seperated by a colon

# ^^^ Sets of values seperated by commas.