Define region between two curves
Provide the coordinate bounds in the second argument of ImplicitRegion
rf = ImplicitRegion[y <= f[x], {{x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 200}}]
ImplicitRegion[y <= 12 x^2 && 0 <= x <= 4 && 0 <= y <= 200, {x, y}]
rg = ImplicitRegion[y >= g[x], {{x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 200}}]
ImplicitRegion[y >= 3 x^3 && 0 <= x <= 4 && 0 <= y <= 200, {x, y}]
intersection = RegionIntersection @@ {rf, rg};
Region[#, AspectRatio -> 1] & /@ {rf, rg, intersection}
gives a better picture:
RegionPlot /@ {rf, rg, intersection}
RegionPlot[{rf, rg, intersection}]
Just a direct way to do:
ir = ImplicitRegion[g[x] < y < f[x], {{x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 200}}];
ra = ImplicitRegion[y > f[x], {{x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 200}}];
rb = ImplicitRegion[y < g[x], {{x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 200}}];
rgns = {ir, ra, rb};
leg = First /@ rgns;
RegionPlot[{##}, PlotLegends -> leg] & @@ rgns