Defining a Redshift connection in DataGrip

I succeed after all with Postgres driver (I had to add SSH tunnel - not relevant for this problem

If you want to connect DataGrip to Redshift I suggest you use the jdbc drivers from AWS. Just download them to a directory where you can keep them.

Then you open DataGrip and go to the data sources menu (⌘;). File -> Data Sources...

Right-Click on one of the pre-installed drivers or somewhere in the driver section. And select 'Add → Driver' Add -> Driver

Give it a good name like 'Redshift' and in the bottom part, click on the + Symbol under Driver files, select the driver you just downloaded and click OK. Add the driver

Under class, select, under Dialect, select PostgreSQL. Select Class and Dialect

Now you can go to the data sources menu (⌘;) and click on the "+" symbol in the top left corner and select the Driver you just created (in my case it's called "Redshift") as the data source type. Select Driver for new Connection

Now copy your redshift jdbc url (you can find it in your cluster configuration under "Cluster Database Properties") into the URL field and fill the user and password fields with your credentials. JDBC url

Now can you click on "Test Connection" and it should work.

I hope this helps. If you have further questions or problems to follow the instructions, feel free to comment.

DataGrip added the native support for Amazon Redshift. So now it became a lot easier. enter image description here