Delete files, directories and buckets in amazon s3 java

This snippet of code works for me. folderPath is something like "topDir/secondDir/"

void deleteObjectsInFolder(String bucketName, String folderPath) {
   for (S3ObjectSummary file : s3.listObjects(bucketName, folderPath).getObjectSummaries()){
      s3.deleteObject(bucketName, file.getKey());

You might want to take a look at this example for a quick reference on how you can delete objects from S3.

The syntax for delete is actually deleteObject( bucketName, key ) where bucketName is the bucket in which you have placed your files and key is name of the file you want to delete within the bucket.

Think of a bucket as your hard disk drive like C:\ , D:\ etc. And key as the absolute pathname of a file you want to delete.

A "key" in S3 is similar to a file path:

... is in a bucket named bucket and has a key of some/path/to/use.

It's not actually a path though, because there are no folders. The S3 key is just the file name for a file in one big directory (the entire bucket). S3 keys can contain /, but it has no special meaning unless you set the delimiter argument with listing a bucket.

In other words, having an object named some/object doesn't tell you anything about the object some (it might or might not exist -- the two objects are not related).

However, you can request keys with a specific prefix, so I could say "give me all keys starting with some/path/to/ and it will return some/path/to/use. It looks like "listing a directory", but it's really just asking for files that start with a specific string of characters.

I could just as easily name things like this:


And say "give me everything starting with somepathtouse" (and it would say somepathtousea and somepathtouseb).

Note: S3 URL's come in several forms:
http://bucket/key (where bucket is a DNS CNAME record pointing to


I looked at the JavaDocs and this is the function signature I see (for AmazonS3Client):

public void deleteObject(java.lang.String bucketName,
                         java.lang.String key)
                  throws AmazonClientException,

EDIT again:

Folders do kind-of exist now, as zero-length objects with a content-type of application/x-directory and a key ending in /:

$ AWS_PROFILE=prod aws s3api head-object --bucket example-bucket --key example-directory/
    "AcceptRanges": "bytes",
    "LastModified": "Mon, 29 Apr 2019 14:59:36 GMT",
    "ContentLength": 0,
    "ETag": "\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\"",
    "ContentType": "application/x-directory",
    "ServerSideEncryption": "AES256",
    "Metadata": {}

This is still just convention and there's nothing stopping you from having files ending / or files inside of "folders" that don't exist.

/*Here is solution that works for me. Here Bucket_Name is my bucket name on S3, and key is the path under Bucket_Name. So, if absolute path on S3 is:


then, the code below should work. */

    String Bucket_Name = "my_bucket";
    String key = "Path/to/my/folder";   
    ObjectListing objects = s3Client.listObjects(BUCKET_NAME, key);
        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objects.getObjectSummaries()) 
            s3Client.deleteObject(BUCKET_NAME, objectSummary.getKey());