Delete last character in a word but only if the character is there - in bash

You just need to escape the dot in your sed command and everything will be fine. Like this:

sed 's/\.$//'

Because in the case you don't escape it, .$ will match to any character at the end of string.

Also you can put all your sed + grep + cut into just one sed:

sed 's=/[^/]*$==;s/\.$//' filename

Removing a character only if it is there is exactly the description of parameter expansions.

 $ var=path.
 $ echo "$var    ${var%.}"
 path.    path

The dot is not special in this case (a dot is special in a regex).

The other pattern could be removed with %/*:

 $ echo "${var%/*}"

To remove both:

 $ var=roonstr./ozm
 $ var=${var%/*}
 $ var=${var%.}
 $ echo "$var"

Of course, to work with a source file it is faster to use sed on the file.
Only remember to quote the dot (to match it literally, otherwise it means: any character).

 $ sed 's,/.*,,;s,\.$,,' file