Deleting a reference

Yes, I think it will work. But if I saw something like this in any code I worked on, I would rip it out and refactor right away.

If you intend to return an allocated object, use a pointer. Please!

The behavior of the code will be your intended behavior. Now, the problem is that while you might consider that programming is about writing something for the compiler to process, it is just as much about writing something that other programmers (or you in the future) will understand and be able to maintain. The code you provided in many cases will be equivalent to using pointers for the compiler, but for other programmers, it will just be a potential source of errors.

References are meant to be aliases to objects that are managed somewhere else, somehow else. In general people will be surprised when they encounter delete &ref, and in most cases programmers won't expect having to perform a delete on the address of a reference, so chances are that in the future someone is going to call the function an forget about deleting and you will have a memory leak.

In most cases, memory can be better managed by the use of smart pointers (if you cannot use other high level constructs like std::vectors). By hiding the pointer away behind the reference you are making it harder to use smart pointers on the returned reference, and thus you are not helping but making it harder for users to work with your interface.

Finally, the good thing about references is that when you read them in code, you know that the lifetime of the object is managed somewhere else and you need not to worry about it. By using a reference instead of a pointer you are basically going back to the single solution (previously in C only pointers) and suddenly extra care must be taken with all references to figure out whether memory must be managed there or not. That means more effort, more time to think about memory management, and less time to worry about the actual problem being solved -- with the extra strain of unusual code, people grow used to look for memory leaks with pointers and expect none out of references.

In a few words: having memory held by reference hides from the user the requirement to handle the memory and makes it harder to do so correctly.

