Delphi compile-time integer conversion warnings?

In Delphi, even in Delphi 10.3 -- no. But take a look into software calling 'Pascal Analyzer', mfg by

They have a lot of options and one of them is (taken from software Help):

enter image description here

Source code for test, take a look into line #32:

enter image description here

Analyze result show possible bad assignment in line #32:

enter image description here

You won't get any warnings or hints at compile time. The Delphi compiler does not do any program flow analysis which tells it that big contains a too large value when it is assigned to small. It silently truncates the value to make it fit in the smaller type. I tried with Shortint, a signed byte-sized type and even that did not give a warning or hint.

And there is no way to make Delphi warn you. It would be nice. Perhaps you can suggest it in QC (if it wasn't already suggested)?