Delphi: count number of times a string occurs in another string

function Occurrences(const Substring, Text: string): integer;
  offset: integer;
  result := 0;
  offset := PosEx(Substring, Text, 1);
  while offset <> 0 do
    offset := PosEx(Substring, Text, offset + length(Substring));

One of the most clever ways I've ever seen to do this:

{ Returns a count of the number of occurences of SubText in Text }
function CountOccurences( const SubText: string;
                          const Text: string): Integer;
  if (SubText = '') OR (Text = '') OR (Pos(SubText, Text) = 0) then
    Result := 0
    Result := (Length(Text) - Length(StringReplace(Text, SubText, '', [rfReplaceAll]))) div  Length(subtext);
end;  { CountOccurences }

If you find yourself frequently searching occurences in a large body of text and performance becomes an issue, you could try the Boyer-Moore search algorithm.

the worst-case to find all occurrences in a text needs approximately 3n comparisons

An implementation in Delphi can be found at our very own SO here

I need three fast-on-large-strings functions: fast search, fast search and replace, and fast count of substrings in a string.