Delphi - form within form
You could use a frame.
Put a panel where you want your embedded form to be at design time. At run time, Create the form, then set the embedded form's Parent property to the panel.
procedure TParentForm.FormCreate(ASender: TObject);
FEmbeddedForm := TEmbeddedForm.Create(self);
FEmbeddedForm.Parent := Panel1;
FEmbeddedForm.Align := alClient;
FEmbeddedForm.Visible := True;
If you want to stop the window title and border from being displayed, add this to the bottom of the FormCreate()
LForm.Caption := '';
LForm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
BTW, I am not advocating using parented forms over frames, just answering the question. Frames are great (I use them all the time), but they are not exactly the same as Forms. They are almost exactly like a panel with controls on it.
For instance, a frame does not have an OnCreate event, nor an OnShow event, which can be painful sometimes when you are reusing them and need that sort of behavior.