DensityPlot with text

I don't think that a density plot is ideal for achieving the image above. I'd us a different approach in this case.

Let's start generating the data:

max = 50;
entries = RandomReal[{0, max}, {24, 7}];
dim = Dimensions@entries;

We can now create the final table:

head = {"", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", 
"Saturday", "Sunday"};

temp = Transpose[{Range[0, 23]}~Join~Transpose@entries];
table = Prepend[temp, head];

And we can assign a background color to each cell:

background =
  Join[{Lighter@Blue, None},
      {i, j} -> ColorData["WatermelonColors"][table[[i, j]]/max]
      , {i, 2, 1 + dim[[1]]}, {j, 2, 1 + dim[[2]]}
      ], 1]}

of course, you can use any other color scheme other than WatermelonColors, or create a new one as described in other posts here.

Finally, let's generate the table (the frame settings are a bit verbose, but I couldn't find a more clever way to do it):

frame = {None, 
   None, {{{1, -1}, {1, -1}} -> True}~
    Join~(({1, #} -> True) & /@ Range[8])~
    Join~(({#, 1} -> True) & /@ Range[25])};

Grid[table, Frame -> frame, Background -> background, 
 ItemStyle -> {{Directive[White, Bold], 
    Automatic}, {Directive[White, Bold], Automatic}}]

enter image description here

Here is an approach similar to @Fraccalo's, but using Item to specify the styles, and ArrayFlatten to attach the headers. I usually find Item to be more readable in cases like this, since the style is attached directly to each item and doesn't need to be matched up with several other matrices.

max = 50;
entries = RandomReal[{0, max}, {24, 7}];
dim = Dimensions@entries;

styledEntries = Map[
  Item[#, Background -> ColorData["WatermelonColors"][#/max]] &,

head = {"", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};

rowHead = Range[0, 23];

{styledHead, styledRowHead} = Map[
  Item[#, Background -> Lighter@Blue, Frame -> True, BaseStyle -> Directive[White, Bold]] &,
  {head, rowHead}, 

table = ArrayFlatten[{List /@ TakeDrop[styledHead, 1], {List /@ styledRowHead, styledEntries}}];


enter image description here

As you can see, it is very apparent which style is applied to which item and how they are computed.

data = RandomReal[100, {24, 7}];

days = {"", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday",  "Saturday", "Sunday"};


An alternative approach using MatrixPlot with labels added with the option Epilog:

table = Prepend[MapIndexed[Prepend[#, ToString[#2[[1]] - 1]] &, data], days];

scaled = PadLeft[Rescale[data], 1 + Dimensions[data], Blue];

epilog = MapIndexed[Text[Style[# /. x_?NumericQ -> Round[x, 0.01], 12, 
  If[NumericQ[#] && .25 < Rescale[#, MinMax@data, {0, 1}] < .75, Black, White]], #2 - .5]&,
  Reverse /@ Transpose@table, {2}];

mp = MatrixPlot[scaled, 
  ColorFunction -> "RedGreenSplit", 
  ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
  ImageSize -> 1 -> {80, 20}, 
  Mesh -> All,
  Epilog -> epilog, 
  Frame -> False]

enter image description here

Add a legend:

legend =  BarLegend[{"RedGreenSplit", MinMax @ data}, LegendMarkerSize -> {20, 400}];
Legended[mp, legend]

enter image description here

Use ColorFunction -> (Opacity[.5,ColorData["RedGreenSplit"]@#]&) and change epilog to

epilog = MapIndexed[Text[Style[# /. x_?NumericQ -> Round[x, 0.01], 12, 
   If[StringQ @ #, White, Black]], #2 - .5] &, 
   Reverse /@ Transpose@table, {2}];

to get

enter image description here

DensityHistogram + WeightedData

If it is ok to have row and column headers as plain text labels, you can also use DensityHistogram after constructing a WeightedData object from data:

wd = WeightedData[Join @@ MapIndexed[Reverse@#2 &, data, {2}], Join @@ Reverse[data]];

{leftticks, topticks} = {MapIndexed[{#2[[1]], 
   Style[24 - #, 14, Bold, FontOpacity -> 1, FontColor -> Blue]} &, Range[24]], 
   MapIndexed[{#2[[1]] - 1, 
      Style[#, 14, Bold, FontOpacity -> 1, FontColor -> Blue]} &,   days]};

Using a custom ChartElementFunction

assoc = AssociationThread[N@wd["InputData"], wd["Weights"]];

cEF = {ChartElementData["Rectangle"][##], 
    Text[Style[#, 12, If[.25 <= Rescale[#, MinMax@data, {0, 1}] <= .75, Black, 
         White]] & @ assoc[Mean @ Transpose[#]], Mean @ Transpose[#]]} &;

dp1 = DensityHistogram[wd, Reverse[Dimensions@data] - 1, 
   ColorFunction -> "RedGreenSplit", 
   FrameTicksStyle -> Directive["LineOpacity" -> 0], 
   FrameTicks -> {{leftticks, False}, {False, topticks}}, 
   FrameStyle -> Directive["LineColor" -> White], Frame -> True, 
   BaseStyle -> EdgeForm[Gray], 
   PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.01], 
   PlotRangeClipping -> False, 
   ImageSize -> 600, 
   ChartElementFunction -> cEF];

Legended[dp1, legend]

enter image description here

Post-processing DensityHistogram output:

Alternatively, we can post-process DensityHistogram output to replace tooltips with Text labels:

dp2 = DensityHistogram[wd, Reverse[Dimensions@data] - 1, 
   ColorFunction -> "RedGreenSplit", 
   FrameTicksStyle -> Directive["LineOpacity" -> 0], 
   FrameTicks -> {{leftticks, False}, {False, topticks}}, 
   FrameStyle -> Directive["LineColor" -> White], Frame -> True, 
   BaseStyle -> EdgeForm[Gray], PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.01], 
   ImageSize -> 600];

labels = dp2 /. Tooltip[c_, t_, ___] :> Text[Style[Round[t, 0.01], 12, 
    If[.25 <= Rescale[t, MinMax @ data, {0, 1}] <= .75, Black, White]], 
    Cases[c, Rectangle[a_, b_, ___] :> (a + b)/2, All][[1]], {Center, Center}] 

Legended[Show[dp2, labels], legend]

enter image description here