Deploying Postgresql Along Windows Application
The application's users are non-technical people and they can not install Postgresql individually.
then try this , silently install PostgreSQL, we are using the similar code in our software deployment
C:\Installer\postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows.exe --serverport 5432 --servicename postgres_service --locale C --superaccount Myadmin --superpassword Mypassword --unattendedmodeui minimal --debuglevel 2 --mode unattended
run this as the bat file , install in the background
- postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows.exe
This is your exe
- serverport 5432
This is your port number where you want to install Postgres
- superaccount Myadmin
You use account name
- superpassword Mypassword
Your user password
keep the rest same.
This will directly install to c:\Program Files
I presume you want to deploy on Windows, so you can include PostgrSQL in your application installer, you can create an application installer for example with InnoSetup ...