Deserialize JSON containing (_links and _embedded) using spring-hateoas

Finally, I found a better a way to consume those application/hal+json APIs.

Spring hateoas actually provides a client almost ready to use: org.springframework.hateoas.client.Traverson.

Traverson traverson = new Traverson(new URI("http://localhost:8080/test"), MediaTypes.HAL_JSON);
TraversalBuilder tb = traverson.follow("users");
ParameterizedTypeReference<Resources<UserJson>> typeRefDevices = new ParameterizedTypeReference<Resources<UserJson>>() {};
Resources<UserJson> resUsers = tb.toObject(typeRefDevices);
Collection<UserJson> users= resUsers .getContent();

As you can see, I got rid UsersJson and UsersEmbeddedListJson.

Here are the maven dependencies I added


Had to add this to my DTO:

public void setLinks(final Map<String, Link> links) {
    links.forEach((label, link) ->  add(link.withRel(label)) );

since ResourceSupport has no POJO standard/Json-signaled setter/constructor for links