Detect click outside Angular component

An alternative to AMagyar's answer. This version works when you click on element that gets removed from the DOM with an ngIf.

  private wasInside = false;

  clickInside() {
    this.text = "clicked inside";
    this.wasInside = true;

  clickout() {
    if (!this.wasInside) {
      this.text = "clicked outside";
    this.wasInside = false;

import { Component, ElementRef, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'selector',
  template: `
export class AnotherComponent {
  public text: String;

  @HostListener('document:click', ['$event'])
  clickout(event) {
    if(this.eRef.nativeElement.contains( {
      this.text = "clicked inside";
    } else {
      this.text = "clicked outside";

  constructor(private eRef: ElementRef) {
    this.text = 'no clicks yet';

A working example - click here