Detect if a unit is defined with siunitx

The reason for this different behavior seem to be how siunitx handles new units that aren't called in the scope of one of the \si/\SI commands. If we make LaTeX \show the definitions immediately after the beginning of the document, we get

> \milliliter=\protected\long macro:
->\ERROR .
l.27 \show\milliliter

> \centiliter=undefined.
l.28 \show\centiliter

So \milliliter is defined to an undefined control sequence, while \centiliter is actually undefined, strangely. This additional layer of indirection isn't recognized by your test.

A simple solution is to call your test in the context of the \si command when all the new units are in scope:

            #1liter exists.
            #1liter does NOT exist.

enter image description here

The defined units are tracked internally by siunitx in a sequence. this is not public but as your use case seems somewhat odd anyway I guess you might do

\NewDocumentCommand \TestIfUnitExists { m }
    \seq_if_in:NxTF \l__siunitx_declare_list_seq { \exp_not:c { #1 liter } }
      { #1liter~exists. }
      { #1liter~does NOT exist. }

This is how the test ought to be defined:




   { \grill_test_siunit:cTF {#2}{#3}{#4} }
   { \grill_test_siunit:NTF {#2}{#3}{#4} }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \grill_test_siunit:NTF
  \seq_if_in:NnTF \l__siunitx_declare_list_seq { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \grill_test_siunit:NTF { c }


  \testifunitexistsTF*{#1liter}{#1liter exists}{#1liter doesn't exist}%


\section{General command}

\texttt{\string\millimeter} \testifunitexistsTF{\milliliter}{exists}{doesn't exist}

\texttt{\string\millimeter} \testifunitexistsTF*{milliliter}{exists}{doesn't exist}



\test{milli}% <--- milliliter exists

\test{centi}% <--- centiliter also exists (but test fails)

\test{}%      <--- liter exists as well


enter image description here

Unfortunately, the sequence variable where all the units are stored is not public, so this cannot be really used. Please, file a feature request to Joseph Wright for making the list of units searchable.

Here's a different implementation, based on another answer, but not typesetting anything in the scope of \si. Differently from the previous solution, the macro \testifunitexists only accepts a name as argument, not a control sequence.






  \testifunitexistsTF{#1liter}{#1liter exists}{#1liter doesn't exist}%


\section{General command}

\texttt{\string\millimeter} \testifunitexistsTF{milliliter}{exists}{doesn't exist}



\test{milli}% <--- milliliter exists

\test{centi}% <--- centiliter also exists (but test fails)

\test{}%      <--- liter exists as well
