Detect if data in an Angular form (not reactive) was changed

According to your comment 'But what if i erase 1 symbol in input and then wright it again (the value is the same, but form was changed)?' I suggest this solution.

The general idea is to store the initial value of the form as separate object (just cloning it). And then create a boolean function which simply iterate through the key-values and compare Updated data with the Initial data. After this just bind the result of this function to your submit button [disabled]="yourCheckMethod(form.value)".

You can try it with the pristine property like this:

<button type="submit" [disabled]="form.pristine">Save</button>

This property checks if your form has changed since it was loaded.

You can check the dirty flag, which tells you if the form is dirty or not.

<button type="submit" [disabled]="!form.dirty">Save</button>

The form becomes dirty if you change some value in it.

Check here for more details:

enter image description here

I had a situation where I did not have a form, adapting it to the question asked here, although mine handles on click and not disabling the button. Angular 7 with TypeScript:

    <!-- user.component.html -->
      <input [(ngModel)]="">
      <input [(ngModel)]="user.color">
      <button (click)="save()">Save</button>
    // user.component.ts
    lastObjectHash: string;
    User: user = { name: "joe", color: "blue"};  // with name and color on type User 
    // Not really a hash, but let's call it that
    getObjectHash(): Promise<string> {
      return util.encodeBase64(JSON.stringify(this.user));

    ngAfterViewInit(): void {
      this.getObjectHash().then(value => this.lastObjectHash = value);

    save() {
      this.getObjectHash().then(value => { 
        if (this.lastObjectHash === value) {
          alert("You did not change name or color");
        // Save user changes....;  // Or whatever...

    // util.ts
    // Just a utility function to BASE64 encode
    export const encodeBase64 = async (textString) => {
      return btoa(textString);