Detect via Apex/Visualforce if org has MyDomain enabled

I would just check:

Boolean isMyDomainEnabled = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost().endsWith('');

Or maybe:

Boolean isMyDomainEnabled = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost().contains('--');

That should return true for all orgs with MyDomain enabled, as the url format there would be In orgs without, it would just be

Try URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost();. In some cases you might also get useful info out of a query such as [SELECT fullPhotoUrl FROM User WHERE userType = 'Standard' LIMIT 1].

Credit to Cristophe Coenrats for both. His repo here contains code that allows Apex continuations in Lightning, and as a result his Visualforce and Lightning components need to successfully guess each other's base URLs in order to communicate successfully.