Detect whether Celery is Available/Running

From the documentation of celery 4.2:

from your_celery_app import app

def get_celery_worker_status():
    i = app.control.inspect()
    availability =
    stats = i.stats()
    registered_tasks = i.registered()
    active_tasks =
    scheduled_tasks = i.scheduled()
    result = {
        'availability': availability,
        'stats': stats,
        'registered_tasks': registered_tasks,
        'active_tasks': active_tasks,
        'scheduled_tasks': scheduled_tasks
    return result

of course you could/should improve the code with error handling...

Here's the code I've been using. celery.task.control.Inspect.stats() returns a dict containing lots of details about the currently available workers, None if there are no workers running, or raises an IOError if it can't connect to the message broker. I'm using RabbitMQ - it's possible that other messaging systems might behave slightly differently. This worked in Celery 2.3.x and 2.4.x; I'm not sure how far back it goes.

def get_celery_worker_status():
        from celery.task.control import inspect
        insp = inspect()
        d = insp.stats()
        if not d:
            d = { ERROR_KEY: 'No running Celery workers were found.' }
    except IOError as e:
        from errno import errorcode
        msg = "Error connecting to the backend: " + str(e)
        if len(e.args) > 0 and errorcode.get(e.args[0]) == 'ECONNREFUSED':
            msg += ' Check that the RabbitMQ server is running.'
        d = { ERROR_KEY: msg }
    except ImportError as e:
        d = { ERROR_KEY: str(e)}
    return d