Detecting data changes in forms using jQuery

Quick (but very dirty) solution

This is quick, but it won't take care of ctrl+z or cmd+z and it will give you a false positive when pressing shift, ctrl or the tab key:

$('#my-form').on('change keyup paste', ':input', function(e) {
    // The form has been changed. Your code here.

Test it with this fiddle.

Quick (less dirty) solution

This will prevent false positives for shift, ctrl or the tab key, but it won't handle ctrl+z or cmd+z:

$('#my-form').on('change keyup paste', ':input', function(e) {

  var keycode = e.which;

  if (e.type === 'paste' || e.type === 'change' || (
      (keycode === 46 || keycode === 8) || // delete & backspace
      (keycode > 47 && keycode < 58) || // number keys
      keycode == 32 || keycode == 13 || // spacebar & return key(s) (if you want to allow carriage returns)
      (keycode > 64 && keycode < 91) || // letter keys
      (keycode > 95 && keycode < 112) || // numpad keys
      (keycode > 185 && keycode < 193) || // ;=,-./` (in order)
      (keycode > 218 && keycode < 223))) { // [\]' (in order))

    // The form has been changed. Your code here.



Test it with this fiddle.

A complete solution

If you want to handle all the cases, you should use:

// init the form when the document is ready or when the form is populated after an ajax call
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#my-form').find(':input').each(function(index, value) {
    $(this).data('val', $(this).val());

$('#my-form').on('change paste', ':input', function(e) {
  $(this).data('val', $(this).val());
  // The form has been changed. Your code here.

$('#my-form').on('keyup', ':input', function(e) {
  if ($(this).val() != $(this).data('val')) {
    $(this).data('val', $(this).val());
    // The form has been changed. Your code here. 

Test it with this fiddle.

You could bind the Change event for all inputs and flag a variable as true. Like this.

var somethingChanged = false;
$(document).ready(function() { 
   $('input').change(function() { 
        somethingChanged = true; 

But, keep in mind that if the user changes something, then changes back to the original values, it will still be flagged as changed.

UPDATE: For a specific div or fieldset. Just use the id for the given fieldset or div. Example:

var somethingChanged = false;
$(document).ready(function() { 
   $('#myDiv input').change(function() { 
        somethingChanged = true; 