Detecting if a program was run by Visual Studio, as opposed to run from Windows Explorer

If you're doing this to determine if it is in any debugger (clarified by @JaredPar), you can use Debugger.IsAttached in the exception handler.

    // ...
catch(Exception ex)
    if (!Debugger.IsAttached)


public static void Frob(Exception ex)
    if (Debugger.IsAttached)

I don't do .net development, but in java I have done this by passing a flag into the startup options of the application. So you could pass a debug flag into the app from the IDE, and then check for that, when the app is run as an executable the flag would not be present. I would be surprised if .net didn't have something similar.

I know this is old but the provided solutions are not very satisfying.

I used the following class instead:

using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;

public static class Program
    public static string ExecutablePath
        private set;

    static Program()
        var assemblyPath = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;
        var assemblyDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath);

        if (assemblyDirectory.EndsWith(@"\Debug") || assemblyDirectory.EndsWith(@"\Release"))
            string projectFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyPath) + ".csproj";

            var root = new DirectoryInfo(assemblyDirectory);

            while (root.Parent != null)
                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(root.FullName, projectFile)))

                root = root.Parent;

                if (root.Parent == null) // we could not find it (should not happen)
                    ExecutablePath = assemblyDirectory;

            ExecutablePath = root.FullName;
            ExecutablePath = assemblyDirectory;

Then you can just use Program.ExecutablePath. If you already have a class named Program you can just extend it by those properties and methods.

If running from Visual Studio it will give you the project path where the csproj-file resides. This is the executable path without the "bin\*\Debug" or "bin\*\Release" stuff.

If not running from Visual Studio it will give you the path where the executable resides.

The solution is independent of debug settings, other attached debuggers or build configurations. The only important thing is, that your configurations are named "Release" and "Debug".

Note: As Troy Gizzi mentioned in the comments, this solution only works if you run the executable from another directory than the output directory. For my use case (simulate the deployment directory structure with the project directory as the root directory), this is a suitable solution. In general I copy my executable later to the deployment directory and expect the same behavior as if I run my program from within Visual Studio. Content and other dependencies are located relative to the project directory in my case.