Determine if an integer is a palindrome in a given radix (base)

GolfScript, 10 characters


That is an easy one for GolfScript if we do it the straightforward way. The output is 0/1 for false/true.

~       # Take input and evaluate it (stack: num rdx)
base    # Fortunately the stack is in the correct order for
        # a base transformation (stack: b[])
.       # Duplicate top of stack (stack: b[] b[])
-1%     # Reverse array (stack: b[] brev[])
=       # Compare the elements

J (23 char) and K (19) double feature

The two languages are very similar, both in general and in this specific golf. Here is the J:

  • ,~1 - Append the number 1 to itself, making the array 1 1.
  • 1!:1 - Read in two strings from keyboard (1!:1 is to read, and 1 is the file handle/number for keyboard input).
  • ". - Convert each string to a number.
  • #.^:_1~/ - F~/ x,y means to find y F x. Our F is #.^:_1, which performs the base expansion.
  • (-:|.) - Does the argument match (-:) its reverse (|.)? 1 for yes, 0 for no.

And here is the K:

  • 0::'`` - Read in (0::) a string for each (') line from console (` is the file handle for this).
  • .:' - Convert (.:) each (') string to a number.
  • _vs/| - Reverse the pair of numbers, so that the radix is in front of the number, and then insert (/) the base expansion function _vs ("vector from scalar") between them.
  • a~|a: - Assign this resulting expansion to a, and then check if a matches (~) its reverse (|). Again, 1 for yes, 0 for no.

APL (20)


Outputs 0 or 1, e.g:



  • ⎕{...}⎕: read two numbers, pass them to the function. is the first number and is the second number.
  • ⌊1+⍺⍟⍵: floor(1+⍺ log ⍵), number of digits necessary to represent in base .
  • ⍺/⍨: the base for each digit, so replicated by the number we just calculated.
  • ⍵⊤⍨: represent in the given base (using numbers, so it works for all values of ).
  • ≡∘⌽⍨: see if the result is equal to its reverse.