Determine if cell contains data validation

I know this question is old, but since it comes up when Googling "excel vba check if cell has validation", I figured I would add my grain of salt.

If the Range object on which you call SpecialCells represents only a single cell, the entire sheet will be scanned to find matches. If you have a very large amount of data, the methods provided in previous answers may become a bit slow.

Hence, here is a more efficient way to check if a single cell has validation:

Function HasValidation(cell As Range) As Boolean
    Dim t: t = Null

    On Error Resume Next
    t = cell.Validation.Type
    On Error GoTo 0

    HasValidation = Not IsNull(t)
End Function

Dim cell As Range, v As Long

For Each cell In Selection.Cells
    v = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    v = cell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeSameValidation).Count
    On Error GoTo 0

    If v = 0 Then
        Debug.Print "No validation"
        Debug.Print "Has validation"
    End If

If you only want to test the activecell, then:

Sub dural()
    Dim r As Range
    On Error GoTo noval
    Set r = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
    If Intersect(r, ActiveCell) Is Nothing Then GoTo noval
    MsgBox "Active cell has validation."
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Active cell has no validation."
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub