Determine prefix from a set of (similar) strings

Never rewrite what is provided to you: os.path.commonprefix does exactly this:

Return the longest path prefix (taken character-by-character) that is a prefix of all paths in list. If list is empty, return the empty string (''). Note that this may return invalid paths because it works a character at a time.

For comparison to the other answers, here's the code:

# Return the longest prefix of all list elements.
def commonprefix(m):
    "Given a list of pathnames, returns the longest common leading component"
    if not m: return ''
    s1 = min(m)
    s2 = max(m)
    for i, c in enumerate(s1):
        if c != s2[i]:
            return s1[:i]
    return s1

Here's my solution:

a = ["my_prefix_what_ever", "my_prefix_what_so_ever", "my_prefix_doesnt_matter"]

prefix_len = len(a[0])
for x in a[1 : ]:
    prefix_len = min(prefix_len, len(x))
    while not x.startswith(a[0][ : prefix_len]):
        prefix_len -= 1

prefix = a[0][ : prefix_len]

Ned Batchelder is probably right. But for the fun of it, here's a more efficient version of phimuemue's answer using itertools.

import itertools

strings = ['my_prefix_what_ever', 

def all_same(x):
    return all(x[0] == y for y in x)

char_tuples = itertools.izip(*strings)
prefix_tuples = itertools.takewhile(all_same, char_tuples)
''.join(x[0] for x in prefix_tuples)

As an affront to readability, here's a one-line version :)

>>> from itertools import takewhile, izip
>>> ''.join(c[0] for c in takewhile(lambda x: all(x[0] == y for y in x), izip(*strings)))