Developerforce's workbench site can’t be reached
Found the issue.
The workbench is a third party tool managed by people that (apparently) have nothing to do with Salesforce itself, so the workbench is not a supported app. The certificate they were using has expired, they are trying to update it.
You can follow the issue here:
A possible solution is to install the workbench locally on your server / local machine. Instructions can be found here:
"Try out Workbench at Note, some of the limits and features are restricted for this demo for performance reasons." (Emphasis mine.) According to the Workbench page on Salesforce, he Developerforce Workbench page is a demo page, and I never found it to be reliable.
You can deploy workbench to Heroku yourself and not have to rely on the actual webpage. In short, clone, this repo, add the Phing buildpack, and push to Heroku. More details can be found in the "Deploy Workbench To Heroku" section of the Workbench page listed below.
Deploy Workbench To Heroku