Dialect needs to be explicitly supplied as of v4.0.0

Check the dialect once.

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
// Option 1: Passing parameters separately
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
  host: 'localhost',
  dialect: /* one of 'mysql' | 'mariadb' | 'postgres' | 'mssql' */

I was facing this error, as it turns out, because of typescipt's transformation/compilation.

A little background: I am using sequelize in a typescript project. And the database config file was in a database.ts file.

const config = {
    development: {
        username: env.PG_USERNAME,
        password: env.PG_PASSWORD,
        database: 'sample_db',
        host: env.PG_HOST,
        port: env.PG_PORT,
        dialect: 'postgres',
    test: {
        username: env.PG_USERNAME,
        password: env.PG_PASSWORD,
        database: 'sample_db',
        host: env.PG_HOST,
        port: env.PG_PORT,
        dialect: 'postgres',
    production: {
        username: env.PG_USERNAME,
        password: env.PG_PASSWORD,
        database: 'sample_db',
        host: env.PG_HOST,
        port: env.PG_PORT,
        dialect: 'postgres',

export default config;

In .sequelizerc file, I was pointing to the transpiled version of the database.ts file i.e. the dist/config/database.js file. As shown below:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    env: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
    config: path.resolve('dist', 'config', 'database.js'),

But after inspecting the transpiled version of the database.ts file, i noticed that the config was exported as:

module.exports.default = config

But sequelize is expecting the config to be at module.exports.

So, I modified the database.ts file by appending this one line to the end of the file and that resolved it for me.


module.exports = config;

Solution for me was based on what I had set for my NODE_ENV variable.

echo $NODE_ENV

If you do not have anything set for that variable, try setting it with the following:

export NODE_ENV=development

If a value is present, make sure you have an entry in your config file for that value. For me, I like to use local. So I had to update my config to this:

 local: {
  username: 'root',
  password: null,
  database: 'database_dev',
  host: '',
  dialect: 'postgres'
 development: {
  username: 'root',
  password: null,
  database: 'database_dev',
  host: '',
  dialect: 'postgres'
  test: {
  username: 'root',
  password: null,
  database: 'database_test',
  host: '',
  dialect: 'postgres'
 production: {
  username: 'root',
  password: null,
  database: 'database',
  host: '',
  dialect: 'postgres'