Dialogflow: Respond based on values and other conditional responses

Edit: A much easier way has been added to handle this issue directly in Dialogflow

(Updated Solution) Follow-up Intents:

After creating an intent, you can add follow-up intents now.
Intents -> Create Intent > [Response=Prompt For Conditional Response]

Create initial intent that needs conditional response

Intents -> Add Follow-up Intent -> Custom/Yes/No

Add follow-up intent

Then set the training praise to a matching entity you want to conditionally respond to

Training phrases




Late reply, but maybe someone will find this useful.

If the conditional response only needs to reference a single parameter value, then I figured out what you can do is utilize the Entity's "Reference Value" as the response you want to give for a particular set of Synonyms.

So you'd have an entity that looked like this:

Then, setup your intent like this, with a response of $Dinetype:

Then the end result will look like this:

And you can make whatever follow-up intent you need from there.

Down-side is Dinetype won't be as reusable. But I still think it beats writing a fulfillment webhook every time you need a simple conditional response.

You can't do this in the Response section directly. The Response section is meant for fairly simple responses that don't require significant logic to process. Although you can use parameters in the response, you can't give a different response based on the value of the parameter. So you can set a response to something like

I think $Dinetype is great food.

but not

{{#if $Dinetype == "Thai"}}I think Thai food is too hot{{/if}}

or anything like that

However, you can add code that sends conditional responses and contexts by implementing a Fulfillment webhook. Although you can't do this for each Intent as part of the Intent editor screen, the Fulfillment screen includes a built-in code editor.