Dice symbols for digits up to 9
A tikz
solution is obtained by modifying the answer https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/41628/15925
dot hidden/.style={},
line hidden/.style={},
dot colour/.style={dot hidden/.append style={color=#1}},
dot colour/.default=black,
line colour/.style={line hidden/.append style={color=#1}},
line colour/.default=black
\draw[rounded corners=0.5,line hidden] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
\fill[dot hidden] (0.5,0.5) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.2,0.2) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.8,0.8) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.2,0.8) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.8,0.2) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.8,0.5) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.2,0.5) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.5,0.8) circle;
\fill[dot hidden] (0.5,0.2) circle;
\drawdie[line colour=blue,thick]{8}
\drawdie[scale=0.5,dot colour=green,very thin,line hidden/.append style={fill=red}]{9}
The changes I have made are to add an extra case for numbers >7
worked already) and removed the thick
default for the border, allowing it to be set to other values in smaller sizes. I have also removed the external dotsize variable and given an example of filling.
You can use also the domino font:
Normal dice: \die1 \die2 \die3 \die4 \die5 \die6 \par
Extended version: \die7 \die8 \die9 \die0
(Yes, I'm adding an answer to a 7.5-year-old question).
I teach a decision sciences (math / stats) class and needed to produce a variety of icons including a 36-pair graphic of six-sided dice (seen below). That was enough to push me to make a quick, single purpose function library based on Andrew Swann's answer, above, and then to extend it to include 0-, 7-, 8-, and 9-pip icons. The code can be found at
Here's a screenshot of a small example (the code to make this document and one small Beamer document are also available in the repository).